Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow

Bitcoin Pillow

Regular price $35 Unit price  per 

Imagine having guests over your house and they ask you about this stylish pillow in your living room. This pillow becomes a great talking piece to introduce them to Bitcoin. A strategically placed accent can bring the whole room to life, and this pillow is just what you need to do that. What's more, the soft, machine-washable case with the shape-retaining insert is the perfect place to recline and stack Bitcoin sats.

• 100% polyester case and insert
• Hidden zipper
• Machine-washable case
• Shape-retaining polyester insert included (handwash only)
• Blank product components in the US sourced from China and the US
• Blank product components in the EU sourced from China and Poland

Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow
Bitcoin Pillow